Negotiated and managed a complex land transaction in downtown Sacramento, for the future home of a 17-story, 540,000 SF Sacramento courthouse building with estimated construction cost of $490 million.

“Lynx represented the owner in this very complex transaction.  There were multiple stakeholders involved, including the current owner, a past owner still on the site completing remediation, the city and the state of California.  The acquisition process involved a number of issues, including entitlements, current hazardous remediation, long-term remediation requirements, negotiations on valuation and negotiations with state agencies on short and long term construction requirements.  While Lynx represented the owner he worked more like a member of a team, trying to find solutions to the myriad of issues that came up during the process.  He knew all parties were moving toward the same goal, and his honesty and straight-forward approach allowed all parties to move forward with confidence.”  Laura Sainz, Administrative Office of the Court

“The purchase of the proposed site in the “Railyards” was a very complicated transaction involving many issues, not the least of which was the removal of hazardous material. In working with Lynx, he was not only very knowledgeable about every aspect of the site, but help crafted a very complicated transaction that had to meet the State of California’s bonding requirements. Lynx was very thorough, but most importantly very responsible with timely responses. The California Judicial Council successfully completed this very important transaction in a timely manner, much of that due to the cooperation and professionalism of Lynx.”  Mike Smith, Project Manager, New Sacramento Courthouse Project